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Our School

Spencer Center for Gifted and Exceptional Students helps the most academically promising students blossom by connecting the classroom to the world beyond school. High school students actively pursue opportunities to study through exciting field experiences in Cincinnati and abroad.

Class sizes are intentionally tailored to support small learning communities where students are engaging in project-based, hands-on work to bring academic concepts to life. This includes rotating extracurricular and elective options as well as social-emotional development and strong student-staff collaboration. The rigorous curriculum and Advanced Placement and College Credit Plus offerings help prepare students for

Students must have outstanding scores on qualifying cognitive or standardized tests, including the IOWA/TerraNova Reading, iReady, MAP, Inview Cognitive Skills or CogAT Student-Aged Score (SAS) tests. Based on scores, students will receive a “Gifted” or “Exceptional” designation to help guide their scholastic career at Spencer.